Wednesday, February 18, 2009

My former student is founder of "Achieve in Africa"

I am a former student of yours. I took Developmental Psychology in the Spring of 2007 as a sophomore. In my final year here at Boston University, I co-founded a non-profit organization called Achieve in Africawith another BU student, Alyssa Snow. Starting this organization has been something I have wanted to do ever since I visited Africa two summers ago (as a sophomore) and saw children thirsty for knowledge, but lacking the facilities and supplies needed for a proper education.

The mission of the organization is to give children in Africa the ability to achieve in school by providing the facilities and supplies needed for a proper education.

For pictures and information about this school and the organization, please visit

After graduation in May, I will be traveling to Tanzania in June to oversee construction.
In Swahili, "Pamoja, Tutafaulu." Together, we will achieve.

Brendan Callahan
Achieve in Africa, Inc.

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