Sunday, March 29, 2009

Obama did something right -- may be serious about fighting slavery

Its been disappointing to hear that Obama is continuing the Bush administration's war plans, although they retired the phrase "War on Terror."    This raises the fear that there was no change to believe in.

But good news came in recently from combines social networking (complete with friend requests) with social activism of the typical liberal kind, for which I am a softie (even though my communist husband says they make things worse by supporting the current regime, ok....).  Anti-human-trafficking blogger Amanda Kloer, who works full time as an abolitionist, writes:   

This week President Obama nominated long-time, tenacious human trafficking prosecutor Lou de Baca to lead the State Department's Office to Monitor and Combat Trafficking in Persons, a position sometimes called "America's Anti-Slavery Czar"..... de Baca's background is heavily focused on labor trafficking... I am thrilled that President Obama chose de Baca, demonstrating a strong commitment to making that office serious about fighting trafficking. He is an amazing prosecutor, a dedicated anti-trafficking professional..

I just taught a class on international sex trafficking to my developmental psychology class and may post more here shortly.  What are your questions?

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